About Mystery Supply Co.
In the dead of night, in the hidden chambers behind the secret bookcase, we are hard at work digging through forgotten boxes and scouring forbidden tomes to bring discerning weirdos - such as yourself - high quality and interesting comic book, sci-fi, horror, pin-up and pulp apparel and gifts.

Going Forward
In 2021, we set up an Etsy shop, and in 2022 we plan to move (or at least duplicate) most products to this shop.
✭ Quality ✭
Quality is very important to me. My goal is to offer the highest quality prints you can find in this niche. That includes both paper and image quality.
Many sellers offer prints on the cheapest, dullest paper. I have spent time and money ordering and comparing many print samples to determine the best paper for rich darks and vibrant colors. I've done side by side tests and the results were clear: these images look better on luster (semi-matte) paper.
All prints are carefully and painstakingly cleaned up and digitally restored by me. I remove spots, wrinkles, folds, tears, and other blemishes while keeping the integrity of the artwork. I spend hours at this because I love these images and want to offer the BEST quality vintage prints you can find.
Images are enlarged so they can be printed up to a poster size while remaining as sharp and detailed as possible.
➜ You will not find these vintage images at this level of quality anywhere else.
If other sellers have similar images, carefully compare our listing to theirs: Do they show a close up of image detail? Read reviews and look for mentions of wrinkles in the paper or blurry images. Then come back to Mystery Supply Co. and order the prints you deserve!
✭ Suggestions Welcome ✭
Would you like to see something I don't currently have? Is there an incredible old movie poster I missed? Did you find something interesting in an old comic or discover an old pulp magazine? Have a suggestion? Want a customization? Contact me! I'd love to hear from you.